Custom Series – Quick Reference Guide
Starting Pump 1Press Pump 1 button to turn on at low speed. Press a second time to turn Pump 1 to high speed. A third time turns the Pump 1 off. A built in timer automatically turns Pump 1 off after 20 minutes, unless it has been manually deactivated.
Starting Pump 2Press Pump 2 button to turn on Pump 2. Press a second time turns Pump 2 off. A built in timer automatically turns Pump 2 off after 20 minutes, unless it has been manually deactivated.
Starting Pump 3Press Pump 3 button to turn on Pump 3. Press a second time turns Pump 3 off. A built in timer automatically turns Pump 3 off after 20 minutes, unless it has been manually deactivated. Starting SDSPress SDS button to turn on SDS. Press a second time turns SDS off. A built in timer automatically turns SDS off after 20 minutes, unless it has been manually deactivated SDS. Setting Water TemperatureUse the Up or Down Arrow button to regulate water temperature. The temperature setting will be displayed for 5 seconds to confirm your new selection.
Automatic Water Heater StartWhen water temperature is 1ºF (0.5ºC) lower than the Set Point, the water will automatically turn on & heat until the water temperature reaches 1ºF (0.5ºC) above the Set Point.
Spa Boy® Boost (if equipped)Press and hold the Pump 2 key for 10 seconds to initiate Spa Boy® Boost which runs the Spa Boy®electrode for 30 minutes regardless of the ORP setting. When activeted “Sbb” will be displayed. Temperature UnitPress and hold the light button for 5 seconds to toggle between ˚F and ˚C. |
Turning The Lights OnIf your spa is equipped with an original lighting package, you can toggle through the color options by pressing the Light button on/off. Press Light button to turn on. Press a second time to turn lights off. A built in timer will automatically turn the lights off after 2 hours unless it has been deactivated. The Light indicator is displayed when the lights are on. Boost ModePress and hold Pump 2 button for 10 seconds to enable Boost Mode. In this mode, Pump 1 high speed and the ozonator will run for 45 minutes. When this is enabled, “boo” is displayed on the control Pad. This mode is used to speed up filtration after intensive use of the spa or to help chemicals just added to the spa. Pressing any button will exit Boost Mode. Fogger WaterfallThe Fogger Waterfall is controlled by pressing and holding the Light Button for 2 seconds. This will activate the Lights, Fogger and the small Pump that operates the system. Pressing the “Light Button once will turn the Fogger/Waterfall off. The system will stay activated for 2 hours unless it has been manually turned off using the Light button.It is advisable on first start up or restart that water is put into the opening of the Fogger/Waterfall to fill up the area to prevent premature damage to the Fogger unit.
Pad lockout:There are two modes you can choose from: Full or Partial lock.
Full lock means that all keypad functions are locked. Partial lock
means that only the basic functions will remain accessible
(pumps, blower, light).
Locking your digital control pad:Press and hold SDS button for 5 seconds. The display will show ”LocP”, with “P” representing partial lock. Release the button and the keypad will be in Partial lock mode. Keep button pressed down for 5 more seconds if you want to be in Full lock mode. The “LocF” message will then be displayed.
When control pad is locked, all automatic functions will run as usual. If a button is pressed down, a “LocP” or “LocF” message will be displayed for 1 second. To unlock the keypad, simply press and hold SDS button again for 5 seconds.